Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Menara Celcom + Deepavali Celebration!.

yupss!!..its a late entry from me again!.*gosh*
still cannot commit n mood tuk blogging xmari!..
i wonder blogger2 len tu kn..sgt productive!.*kagom okeh*

okla..lets not whining around..
meh i nak cite about deepavali celebration kt my opish!..
it's started around 12pm camtuh..
sume org turun ke lobby dgn berpusu2nya..
of coz ler kne rush sbb nk rebut meja ok!..

likes others celebration..
biasela kata-kata aluan bagai by the management 1st..
then..barula leh "SERANG"..
as for me of coz ler akan menyerang foods yang "unik"..
lau takat nasi goreng,roti jala bagai tu..
hari-hari biase pon boley dapat der!..

so..korang nak tau what's im eating?..
tgk pic's yang agak blur kat bawah ni..hehe~

meh nak terangkan sikit..
menu-menunya adalah..
roti nan,tosai,mutton curry,dal,fish cuttle & ayam tandoori~
sgt nyummy kn?..and harus ar ikut theme ala-ala indian cuisine kan!..hehe~
esoknya trus kena tebus balik dengan jogging 3round tanpa henti okay!.
niat hati memang nak ngelat,tapi "coach" saye amat garang!..*sooo scary!!*

eh2..lupe lak nak update about "indian art" ni.. searching at google namenye tapi xjumpala plak..hehe..
but i call it koolum!..lau salah mahap yer!..
compared to last year, kt lobby ade 3huge of it..
but this year ade sebijik jer..
so..enjoy those pics~

okla..that's all for now..
next entry lak i will update about "misi mencari puss in boots??.."
till fingers meet keyboard again!..


Hanis MY said...

bestnyaaa makanan tu yummy..salam kenal....

kekelip said...

best kn..hehehe~