Today nk update about weekend aq hri tu..besh gler...its a girl day out!..marvelous..fantastic..n etc..hehe..okay,1st of all meh aq cter 1 persatu...
Friday 25:07:08
Tepat je kul 4.30pm aq cabut blik dri ofis..yaaahhh...sempat ke nk smp ke,either sempat ke tak. perjalanan wajib diteruskan..n mmg smp lmbt ke kelas ptg 2..7.30pm bru smp..hampeh sunggoh komuter 2..rse nk sue je!..huhuhu...then,class berjln as usuall...After class plak ak n ekin telah meronggeng membelah gelap malam tuk nonton wyg!!..eheh..ayat cam ape je...but,the movie is so-so je..xbesh pong!..hehe..abes je movie dh kul, tuk ank2 dara cam kitorg ni xmnis if merayau2 lg pgi2 buta,we all pn blik umah ekin n bobok!!..
Sabtu 26:07:08
bgun2 je jam dah menunjukkn angka aq still awl lg sbnrnya..bgun2 je aq bowak2 ngn ekin..byk bnd kitorg share story about how aq knal 'him' n ekin lak cter about cne die leh terjtuh tgga ngn bdak tuttttt...ehehe...lps dh pnat sgt mengarut kiotrg pon mengambil keputusan tuk take a shower n nk meronggeng ke luar!!!..hehe..
Around 2.30pm,finally we all siap untk berpoya2..mse dlm keta ekin,aq tbe2 terigtkn si kecik shidot pn suggest kt ekin tuk culik die kt uitm n hang out 2gether..hahaaa..but the best part is si shidot ni xsangka yg kitowg nk ajk die jln smp ke kompleks...dlm keadaan xmnd n tanpa sebarang dokumen 2 die pon terpaksa ar akur ngn kiotrg..hehe..pdan mke dak shidot 2..2la..len kali jgn lewatkn mnd2 ni..u must learn a lesson k shidot!..hehe..then, peyot aq n ekin yg dh pon berkeroncong lgu i'm yours sejak dri umah td mntk,kitorg pon lepak ar kt kfc..smbl2 duk isi peyot ni..kitorg imbas ar blik memori zman2 hostel sgt..rndu gler ngn zman2 2...i enjoyed that day so much...
Mlm 2 plak aq bergegas lak ke poli..pastu yg klakarnya xpnah2 org sesat dlm poli 2 tp aq dh berjaya membawa ekin n sesat bersme2 dlm 2...ahahahaaaa...dhla mmg lewat,bertambah2 lg...but..xkne ape2 pon smp lewat..sir zam2 2 ok je..abes je klas abah amek aq..then bertolak blik ke kl....
Sunday 27:07:08 is the day..kemuncak bagi segalanya..hehe..time to shopping gurls!..around 3.00pm aq n odah ketemu di lrt station..we take lrt to bandaraya station..niat dihati aq nk crik brg2 yg xdpt lg aq bli dlm list hri 2..smp2 je kt sogo spt biase peyot aq ni berdup-dap..apalg kitorg g soru dlula..
aq mamam - grilled mushroom chicken rice + iced lemon tea
odah mamam - grilled blacpper chicken rice + iced lemon tea
but...the waitress inform us yg nasi,kne wait around 30mnt..nsb bek ar kitorg order a slice of yogurt cheese bedal ar contohnya..hehe..
doesnt it look so yummy nyum???hehe..
kasi terliur skit sme kowg.. =P
then,bler peyot ni dh kenyang kitowg trusknla perjalanan tuk mencari brg2 yg perlu..mcm2 aq bli tau..abeh duit out those pix!.. beg hendak ke kuliah..
kasut ofis + kuliah.. ~by princess~
And last but absolutely not least..kain raya!!! excited!..
Minat gler2 kain ni..Chiffon..harga lak..haha..rmai kte bgi aq..okla..not so expensive..=)
so,i'll give 10 star for this..sgt2 pueh!...unik..lembut..moden..a bit traditionally..haha..ske2..
selain 2 gak sempat rembat 3helai tudung tuk office wear..wink2.. tudung cotton + manjalara...
ahaks..sakan x?hehe..abes duit aq tau..lps ni mmg xleh nk enjoy2 dah..around 9pm aq pon smpla ke teratak kesygn..penat sgt..nsib bek ade kerusi massage gintell hadiah abah tuk mak...nnt lau ade mse aq tepek gmbr ek...hehe..k ar..nk chow ni...dh lme sgt curik tulang..posting yg aq jnj psal lawn bowl 2 maybe ptg or 2mmorow aq updated k...bye2 miss bloggy..!..~end~
uhuhuhu... tak ajak ca..
ceh... mencik kamoo0o0o0...
weh2 dlm list ko tadew nk lanje ktorw ek... hihihi
lorrhhh..ko kn nk g bli minyak gamat 2...malehla nk ajk..sbb tau no use..ape daaa...
lanje ko??xpnah ade n xkn ade kot..uhuhuhuuu...
muahahhaha..owh..time ngn ak..ko tanak pn blanje kt SR...huwwwaaaa!!mencik..mencik...!!nk gak weh mamam kt ble kte nk mrase gaji si ecah ak nk gak ko blanje kt SR..nk kek indulgence!!!!
weh..singghle blog ak..tu pn klu free lee..
hakhakhak...SR??adehhh...mne leh mkn slalu..xbek tuk kesihatan..hik!..
2 ar ecah ni dekot ar..gji riban2 tp lanje mmbr2 xnk!..ape ar..sunggoh kurang sihat..
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