As at 2009 ni...dah almost 2years aku xberpacaran...tak sangka lak...tgk org2+kwn2 around aku hepy+Loveable jek wif their own partner..Alhamdullilah..aku tumpang bahagia... the other side lak..aku rse alone..sunyi..kosong...haiihh...yes..i felt that way..but..y its 2 hard 4 me to open my heart 2 those guys out there?..
Actually, adela a few guys that tried to get closed wif me...tried to know me deeply...tried to cared so much bout me...and tried everythg to get closed wif me...but...y aku act so weird..aku cam xleh nk trima..aku wat xlayan..aku moody...arrggghhh..its not like what they think!..aku bkn aku cam terasa ego tuk melayan LELAKI ni..smp diorg questioned me back...
"awak xsuke ke saya contact awk?"..
"awk ni nk xnk jek reply msg sy.."..
"dah ade org len ke dlm hti awk?"..
"awk dh berpunya ek?"...
aarrrghhhh!!..klo lah aku leh jerit kt 1 dunia yg aku ni SINGLE!!..i have no ones!! alone!!..indahnya!!..and it will b much better if aku leh accept 'they' to my life or at least i would TRIED to accept them..but..i juz cant..semuanya aku rse xkne..xseswai..xde feel..kosong..hurrmm..aku pon xphm dgn dri aku..nk kte memilih2?..tak pon..nk kte aku serik??!!..nope!!..aku xpnah serik tuk made any new relationship wif guys..aku pon nk tawen gak ler..
Ya Allah...ape dah jdik pada hamba mu ni...betol ke ape yg aku buat ni..atau aku xpatut berperangai camni...berilah aku petunjuk.......i am really2 CONFUSED!!..

^_^ C.O.N.F.U.S.E.D!!..~END~