Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dont Thrust a Bee Nest!!~

this thgs really messed up my day!!..
actually aku tak kesah sgt pasal menda ni..
tp effect from this thgs really make me pissed off!.

i'll b a cute hunny-bunny if u want me to..
but..i'll b a dragon if u force me to b!!..

u messed up wif wrong person okay!
slagi aku leh wat bodo aku akn teruskn..
tp dont hit the limit girl!!..
i swear u'll regret the whole life~
and i MEAN my words!!..
really MEAN itttt!!

And 1 more..
i'll not playing those game of u!.
coz i dont want to look stupido as u!!..
sgt kanak2..sgt uneducated!!..
and im notttt that!!..

ber-istighfar panjangla aku ri ni!
aku try tuk tak melatah..
sbb aku xmo menda2 bodoh camni effect hari aku..

nmpknye xsalah r 1st impression aku ttg ko..
dr mula rse ko ni xmasok..
n proud of it!..



finyz said...

lorr, ko bia je ke.
sound la sket,
eh byk pn xpe.
xleh bia ni.

(wahh, tetiba jd 'firestone' plaks.)

kekelip said...

firefly sudaaaa~

*xmo sound sbb xmo melulu cam die....tu yg warning dlu..hehe..aku sure die akn bce~

Anonymous said...

wat bodo je..comel nye ko nye blog,.hiii